Sleepover Policy

There is a $25 Nonrefundable deposit due at booking. No dog will be scheduled without the deposit due to cancellations interrupting availability for other dogs and the cost to set up for reserved dogs.
Sleepovers are custom-curated for each individual dog, depending on your furry family members' needs, and the dates and times required.
Your understanding of our Beach Dog Sleepover Policy
is greatly appreciated.

Sleepovers are a bonus service for The Beach Dog & Little Beach Dog *actively enrolled dogs only. We have developed a close relationship with our daycare dogs and their owners and have custom-created sleepovers that facilitate this relationship. We offer “doggy sleepovers” as a bonus for our enrolled dogs. Unfortunately, we are not a boarding facility and do not board unenrolled dogs.

*Actively enrolled means your dog has gone through the application process, all required documents have been received, and your dog is actively on the schedule and participating in daycare hours at either The Beach Dog Daycare or The Little Beach Dog Daycare.