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Dog-Friendly Hot Spots in Newburyport and Plum Island MA

So you're headed to Newburyport or the Plum Island area of beautiful Massachusetts for a little rest and relaxation. If you're questioning what to do with your furry four-legged family members, we say take them with you. Here’s why Newburyport and Plum Island are some of the most dog-friendly areas to travel to. We love our dogs. Dog-friendly Hot Spots in Newburyport and on Plum Island Massachusetts are made easy to find and fun to visit with a little help from The Beach Dog Daycare. This article will help you find hotels and lodgings that offer dog-friendly accommodations. We have added eateries and restaurants along with daytime activities and a few “must-visit dog-friendly” hot spots too. Don’t forget to pre-book some doggie daycare hours with us so you can also enjoy some leisure activities without having to leave your furry family member behind. Check out our online application and make sure to process and book daycare dates ahead of time.

Dog-friendly Accommodations & Lodging.

If you're in the planning stages of your trip, we can save you time in locating dog-friendly accommodations and lodging.

The first two are owned and operated by the owner of The Beach Dog Daycare and The Little Beach Dog, so they are not only dog-friendly, they are slightly dog obsessed. Check out these amazing accommodations located in the historic south end, blocks from downtown Newburyport. Walking distance to the Rail Trail, our amazing shops, art galleries, and some of the dog-friendly restaurants you will find listed here in this article. Dog Daze South End & Dog Daze Two.

We have two local hotels to consider, one in Newburyport and the other on Plum Island. The Garrison Inn Hotel is located at 11 Brown Square. It is an 1809 landmark just a block off Market Square and a 4-minute walk to Waterfront Park. Waterfront Park is also dog-friendly but you must keep your dog on a leash and pick up any deposits your furry friend may leave behind. If you're looking for beachfront accommodations, The Blue Inn is a dog-friendly hotel right on the beaches of Plum Island and is highly recommended on

Dog-friendly Eateries, Cafes & Restaurants

We all anticipate good eating on vacation, and the Newburyport and Plum Island areas do not disappoint!

If you're a seafood lover you are in for a treat. The seafood assortments caught daily off the North East seacoast are delectable beyond compare. We have more than just seafood too. The areas of Newburyport and Plum Island offer an array of palate-pleasing goodies from pizza to Thai food, and everything in between. Here are a few of our dog-friendly and mouth-watering places to eat.

Sea Level Oyster Bar, located at 1 Market Square, Newburyport MA offers the finest and freshest seafood selection. Sea Level offers dog-friendly seating on their outside patio and they even offer a ‘Happy Tails’ menu. The dog-friendly menu includes grilled chicken breast, burger patties, and a fresh bowl of ice water for their four-legged visitors. Please note: In the summer months Sea Level Oyster Bar is super busy and their outdoor dining is first come first serve. It’s always best to call ahead and request outdoor, dog-friendly seating. Here is a peek at their pet policies.

Sea Level Pet Policy:

We love our furry friends! They are welcome in our outdoor front dining area only

🐾Pets are NOT permitted inside the restaurant or on the back deck unless they are certified service aids

🐾We ask that you do your best to keep your pet along the outer perimeter of the railing, as we must still abide by all health and safety regulations for food service.

🐾All pets must be kept within the space of their owner’s table, and not be allowed to wander unattended.

🐾Any behavioral issues (including but not limited to excessive barking, aggressive reactions to staff or other guests, sickness, or potty training accidents) may cause the pet and its owners to be asked to leave

Brown Sugar by the Sea, is located at 75 Water Street Newburyport MA. 01950. I love this restaurant. I have to be biased here but let’s just say, every time I’m in the area I make it a point to eat there. If you like Thai food you simply have to try this restaurant. Their takeout never disappoints and their prices are very reasonable. Ok, my love for Brown Sugar aside, they are also dog-friendly and they get the reviews to back me up. Dogs are allowed in their outside seating area, so if weather permits feel free to bring your pooch. When the summer season prevails and the outside area is in full swing, I’ve been told they “love their doggy visitors.”

The Joy Nest, located at 50 Water street Newburyport Ma, is also dog friendly, and through our research for this article, we’ve come to learn that it is also a Thai restaurant and is affiliated to Brown Sugar by the Sea. I did not know this and I will make it a point to check it out on my next visit. The Joy Nest is also dog-friendly verified via Google reviews. They offer dog-friendly dining in their outside seating areas.

The Port Tavern is a seaside restaurant, located at 84 State Street. They offer their patrons meals in the Irish tradition. They offer dog-friendly accommodations at their outside eating area, which is only seasonal. So if you're visiting the area during the height of summer fun, be sure to keep them in mind.

Most locations in and around Newburyport are dog-friendly in outside dining areas only, service dogs being the exception to the rule. Dogs must be on a leash and well-behaved. You will find dog lovers all along the Rail Trail and throughout our local shops and eateries. Many establishments leave out water bowls for any thirsty passers-by.

Next, we would like to mention some local establishments that are not only dog-friendly, they are all about dogs!

Just Dogs is a unique doggy bakery located at 37 Pleasant Street in Newburyport. Bring your pooch to pick out just about any kind of homemade treat that his or her little heart desires. You absolutely have to check out their Facebook page, they showcase visiting pooches. Just Dogs is not just about good dog treats. They carry leashes, harnesses, collars, toys, and outdoor gear too. Be sure to check them out anytime you visit, all season long.

If you plan a visit and find you're in need of anything dog related, The Natural Dog is located at 155 State Street in Newburyport Ma. If you need it, they have it. It’s literally a one-stop shop for all pet needs. This isn’t any ordinary pet supply company; they focus on all-natural products and have an amazing selection. Even if you don’t need anything we recommend that you stop by and see what they have to offer. Many of our local dog owners shop there.

If you're looking to get up and out with fun activities in Newburyport then we have some dog-friendly places that you just have to experience. Start with a day at Mill Pond in West Newbury. This is an amazing day trip for you and your dog. Mill Pond is so dog-friendly that if your dog is a social individual you can actually take him off the leash to run, jump, and swim! Yup, swim! Check out the Mill Pond Facebook page, it showcases all of the activities and any upcoming events.

Next on our activity list is a 480-acre horticultural and agricultural estate that was owned by the Moseley Family from the 1900s. Maudslay State Park has everything a garden lover could ask for, Italian gardens, rose gardens, fruit trees, veggie gardens, cutting gardens, plus so much more. The park supplies doggy bags and a trash can for deposits in the parking lot, dogs must remain on leashes at all times.

Lastly, we have added a great place to get out and enjoy the fresh air while adding some exercise to your regime. Old Town Hill is located on Newman Road in Newbury MA. This 351 acres of outdoor heaven, offers picturesque hiking trails through wetlands, glacially created salt marshes, and a 168-foot climbing trail that looks out over The Great Marsh and New Hampshire’s Isles of Shoals. Again, your furry family member has to be on a leash and please pick up anything your pooch may leave behind. Please be advised that not all pet owners adhere to the on-leash policy but the Trustees ask that you keep your dogs on a leash at all times.

We hope this little recommendation list of dog-friendly hot spots in Newburyport and Plum Island Massachusetts helps you to create a vacation getaway that is sure to be remembered and loved by both you and your dog.

If you have any recommendations to add please share your dog-friendly hot spots here in Newburyport and on Plum Island Massachusetts with us. Join our Facebook page by following the link below.


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Call: 1-978-499-1881   Fax: 1-978-517-5036

Doggie Daycare
96 Newburyport Turnpike
Newbury MA 01951


Monday-Friday 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM

Closed Saturday & Sunday 

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