New Years Resolutions for You and Your Dog

Oh boy, here we go again…it’s that time of year when you make your New Years Resolutions! More exercise is the top resolution made by many. This year add your dog to this challenge.
Your dog needs the exercise just as much as you. If left with less exercise in the winter months your dog can develop unhealthy habits because of pent up energy and limited socialization. Be creative and incorporate your dog into your ambitions to get up and go! We all go into hibernation mode in the winter months and after the crazy days of the holidays have fizzled off. Keep the activities moving for your dog by incorporating these inside games during the solitude of the winter months. New Years Resolutions for you and your dog
can be healthy habits for both of you.
You set your sights on getting fit and perhaps shedding a few pounds, maybe Old Saint Nick brought you a tread mill over the holidays. Let your dog join in the routine. Put them on a leash and have them tread with you. This stimulates circulation and it can become a bonding experience. When Rover is asked if he wants to go for a walk soon enough he will head right for the treadmill…wa-la…new work out buddy!
Playing hide and seek indoors when it’s to cold outside is a great way to stimulate your dog and keep them moving. It’s easy, hide their favorite toy or try hiding a treat…which ever it takes to get them interested. To train your dog to play hide and seek start by playing catch with them and then hide the toy or treat when they are watching. Slowly incorporate the activity so that they don’t know where you hid the toy but they are still stimulated when you give the command to find it. Dogs are natural foragers so instead of hand delivering a snack or a meal try hiding it. Ever hear of a Kong? Utilize this link to learn what it is and how to use it. It’s basically a chew toy you fill with a snack that makes your dog work for his treat. Once you establish a relationship with your dog and the Kong start playing hide and seek with it. Whether you’re playing hide and seek with a toy or a treat it might take some practice but with dedication to the activity your dogs ears will perk up with anticipation the minute you say “wanna play hide and seek?” New Years Resolutions for you and your dog
can be as simple as training them to play a new game.
Its never a better time to sign your dog up for daycare or a class than in the winter. Even if its just part time daycare, dogs get to socialize and move around for the day while you are busy at work or at the gym. Add this tip to your resolution and your both getting the benefits of motivation and accomplishments.
Get your groove on…a simple way for you to stimulate circulation is to dance! Let your hair down and get your groove on. Your dog will love this new game. Stay indoors where its warm and put on your favorite playlist…perhaps have a glass of wine (or two) and let out your inner diva. Your dog doesn’t know if you have rhythm or not but they will surly be eager to get up and boogie along side of you. New Years Resolutions for you and your dog can be as simple as turning on the music.
If you’re a yoga person and not a dancer dedicate a few minutes of your stretch time to bond with your dog. Starting a yoga routine as part of your New Years resolution is a great way to start with a goal that is practical to achieve. You can utilize this healthy habit with a minimal financial obligation and you can do yoga anywhere. You will be amazed at how good you feel after a morning yoga stretch. It stimulates circulation and muscle with a low impact routine that you adjust and manipulate. Start easy so you are motivated to “just do it” but don’t forget to challenge yourself. New Years Resolutions for you and your dog should absolutely include yoga.
The last New Years Resolutions for you and your dog
to incorporate is healthy eating habits. When you add healthy snacks and foods to your new diet share these with your dog. See our blog for making healthy snacks for your dog. Its Wicked Easy and the health benefits in the winter are crucial to you and your dog’s wellbeing.
Good luck with New Years Resolutions for you and your dog
in 2017: who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks!